Page 26 - Words
P. 26
Creativity Tsang Kei Yiu, Yoaby 5D (2016-2017)
They look at each other. “We do not have a home. We're roaming the
streets,” they answer bitterly.
“Come over, I have some food inside. Maybe you can sleep here
tonight,” explains Mr. Holmes, “It may be crowded but it’s warm.”
Inspector Walker is right in front of the Brutons’ house. He looks sly
and fawning, “Mr. Bruton, what can I do for you?”
“Get the thief!”
“Search carefully! Never miss a single clue. Knock on every single
door!” Inspector Walker orders his subordinates imperially.
Time passes by, and Watt recovers. This is all because of the love and
kindness from Mr. Holmes and Hill.
Kreeen kreeen, the door of the tailor shop is opened. “Search!” yells
the inspector.
They find the vagrant and the boy. “You the miscreant, now are being
charged with stealing and kidnapping!” exclaims the inspector.
“No, he is a good man,” says the little boy, “Mr. Hill saved my life. He
brought me food that night. No one cared about me when I was sick except
Mr. Hill. I am the one who begged him to go with me.”
Hill is so grateful that the boy is here to help him and stop the
inspector from arresting him.
“If you insist on bringing him to jail, do the same to me too.
Don't judge a person by his appearance. Love is from the heart. You are
detestable!” he continues.
Inspector Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Bruton, everyone is quiet and feels
ashamed. They even do not know how to respond to Watt’s sharp words.
Watt has decided to go with Hill, because he does not want to stay
26 With Pride, We Stride